Skylr magician dress

What’s With the Magic Theme Skylr?

When I was around 7 years old, I got my very first magic set.

Here I am at Christmas time (wasn’t I adorable?)

I was the little kid pestering everyone I saw… “Wanna see a trick?”

And as an adult…

I spent decades working as a professional magician & stage hypnotist.

My entire life, I’ve only had three passions…

Entertaining, Marketing & Copywriting

Sure - it all started with my love for magic…

But, it wasn’t until I got hired as a copywriter for one of the largest direct-response companies in the world (Agora) – that I realized how useful my background would become.

Not to mention how working at Agora was like getting a 4-year college education in direct response copywriting.

And the coolest part is…

I’ve been lucky enough to be mentored and coached (and copy chiefed) by the who’s who in financial copywriting… Joe Schriefer, Ryan McGrath, Evaldo Albuquerque, David Deutsch and most recently, Mike Ward (Money Map Press).

And I've had the honor of working with companies like: Agora Financial, Millionaire Publishing, Weiss Ratings, Behind The Markets, Legacy Research, Wealth Press, Oxford Club & More.

It has allowed me to make millions of dollars in revenue for them and later — my freelance clients too.

Want to see what kind of tricks I have up my sleeve?